- Email: khallward@leonardcarder.com
Kate Hallward is a partner at Leonard Carder LLP where she represents public and private sector unions in healthcare, transit, local government, higher education, warehouse and factory settings. She partners with unions to develop organizing drives, contract campaigns, negotiations, arbitrations, administrative hearings and litigation. Kate also advises clients on a range of employment and labor law topics, drafts legislation, and provides counsel to bargaining committees and other workplace leaders. She conducts trainings on diverse topics ranging from how to prepare for arbitration, avoid a defamation claim or modify an existing bargaining unit. She also defends workers’ rights to strike and engage in expressive activity, leafleting, picketing, and other job actions.
Kate speaks Spanish and received her J.D. from University of California, Berkeley School of Law in 2004. Kate has also represented refugees seeking asylum and represents immigrant workers in relation to a variety of employment related matters.